The Danish Agency for Digital Government

is responsible for the critically important national digital services.

The Danish Agency for Digital Government is an agency under the Ministry of Digitalisation and Equality, and its core task is to contribute to developing and implementing Denmark's goals in the field of digitisation. Traditionally, Denmark has been at the forefront of digitisation, so it's a significant task.

The Danish Agency for Digital Government is responsible for critical national digital services such as MitID, MitID Business, Digital Post, NemKonto, and

Additionally, the driver's license and health card apps are also included in the portfolio.

These are solutions that most Danish citizens, businesses, and authorities are familiar with in their daily lives. The Danish Agency for Digital Government employs around 400 staff.

Millions of End Users

With millions of daily users of the Danish Agency for Digital Government's services, it is crucial that these services perform as expected, are resilient to downtime, and that those responsible respond quickly if anything goes wrong.

The Danish Agency for Digital Governement's responsibility for managing the work of the national services includes both design, development, and subsequent operation and maintenance. The Danish Agency for Digital Government utilizes a broad range of external vendors, but the overall responsibility lies with the agency.

OneView from Monsalta is the tool and concept used by the Danish Agency for Digital Government to keep quality in focus and ensure swift responses. This often occurs through dialogue with vendors, where having factual information about the problem is important. These facts are provided by OneView.

Departments within the Danish Agency for Digital Government also use big screens to monitor the applications they are responsible for live which enables prompt responses when errors occur.

Denmark leading the way in digital transformation

With OneView, Monsalta is an important element in the Danish Agency for Digital Government's awareness of - and work on - our quality in delivering national digital services."

Rune Arnfeldt Jarden

Chefkonsulent, Digitaliseringsstyrelsen

Value for the End User

End users are an impatient bunch of people, so expectations are high for the quality of the digital services necessary for daily use. There are also legal requirements for the use of certain digital services, further raising expectations for the quality of the end-user experience. For example, all healthcare personnel in the regions use MitID before they can access healthcare systems. This means that a malfunctioning MitID could potentially have fatal consequences.

Monsalta tests in real-time with OneView whether the digital services are functioning as expected. In case of errors or inefficiencies, OneView sends alerts to relevant personnel at the Danish Agency for Digital Government, vendors, and other stakeholders. Additionally, OneView provides data to the Danish Agency for Digital Government's website "," where the status of the most essential public digital services can be monitored by users and vendors. This site also includes data from other agencies and organizations, fostering awareness among all parties about the state of digital services.

So whether you are one of those tasked with addressing the issues or one of the end-users who may need to exercise patience, you are informed as quickly as possible. The Danish Agency for Digital Government's strategy is maximum transparency about the functioning of IT systems, resulting in significantly increased focus from all parties.
