Simplifying observability

OneView accelerates your digital evolution with all the insights you need.

Insights Into Digital Quality

OneView delivers insights across your digital landscape

As organizations' digital landscapes evolve and grow in complexity, integrating various applications from different vendors with diverse technologies becomes increasingly challenging. This complexity makes it difficult to gain a comprehensive overview and control of ongoing digital processes, the interdependencies of systems and complicates gathering of insights from end-user experiences.

OneView enables aggregating, streamlining, analyzing, and disseminating business-critical digital insights across the organization, to decision makers as well as for information for end-users, in real time.

Gain Insights into Your Suppliers

Leverage powerful supplier insights to elevate your digital quality and drive operational excellence. Unlock efficiencies and maximize performance throughout your digital ecosystem.

Streamline Operational Efficiency

Reduce downtime and enhance operational efficiency with faster repair turnaround. Our proactive approach minimizes disruptions, ensuring optimal performance and productivity across your operations.

Transforming Data into Action

Empower your organization to embrace proactiveness by leveraging valuable data insights. Learn from your data to make informed decisions, optimize processes, and drive strategic initiatives forward.

Mastering Problem Handling

Efficiently address and resolve issues to strengthen operational resilience. Our proactive problem-solving approach minimizes disruptions and optimizes performance, ensuring continuous business success.

Enhance Your Digital Experience

Maximize the efficiency and reliability of your applications with comprehensive performance management. Gain insights into system health, identify bottlenecks, and ensure seamless user experiences across your digital platforms.

Digital Quality with Business Success

Achieving optimal digital quality while driving business success requires strategic alignment. We help you strike the right balance to enhance customer experiences, optimize operations, and drive growth in the digital age.

SLIs, SLOs, and SLAs

Real-Time Service Level Monitoring

Streamline your understanding, monitoring, and compliance with Service Levels. OneView automates the tracking and reporting of your SLIs, SLOs, and SLAs, saving you valuable time.

OneView provides insights by monitoring

the health of every digital service

Instant visibility

Immediate insight into the status of every deployed digital service and applications with real-time dashboard indicators using clear indicator signals GREEN, YELLOW, and RED

Improved reliability

Improve application reliability by break down of silos between teams and technologies by fostering shared digital insights.

Early detection of issues

Detect issues promptly across any service in your entire digital landscape and manage alerts for all services.

Unlock Effective Collaboration with Openness and Transparency

Statuses on are powered by OneView.

The Danish Agency for Digital Government's strategy emphasizes complete transparency about the status of IT systems, generating heightened attention from all stakeholders.

- Rune Arnfeldt Jarden, Chefkonsulent, Digitaliseringsstyrelsen

Our collaboration not only allows us to optimize our current digital landscape and share digital information across all our vendors, but also ensures that we are constantly ahead in understanding how our end-users experience our digital services.

- Thomas Holte, Kontorchef, SKAT

Already have a solution?

OneView complements your existing IT-application or network monitoring solution. By simple overviews of performance across all technology stacks, OneView can identify unintended effects of changes or ongoing issues from your own IT-landscape or from your third-party IT-providers, helping you leverage your existing investments effectively. Your current monitoring remains in place for debugging the issues that OneView identifies.

What about correctness

Although integrations are operational, issues such as incomplete or inaccurate data can have significant business implications. Let OneView monitor your integrations, validate data for errors and deficiencies, and improve your digital quality while minimizing risks.

As an authorized supplier under the SKI framework agreement "02.06 Standard Software (2021)," we are pleased to offer OneView to the public sector on competitive terms. Our company upholds rigorous standards in quality, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility.

Customer Trust

is the highest compliment
